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A Writer's Manifesto

Everyone who is passionate about something should write a manifesto. It is a powerful piece of writing that inspires not only the one reading it, but the one writing it. It is a reminder of why you care about something and why it matters.


My Writer's Manifesto aimed to reach more broadly than myself and to speak to the sentimental and incredibly personal art and practice of writing. Writing has meaning for me, and this manifesto expresses what drives me to pick up a pen and write.

Works of the Written Word


I have a hard time letting anyone see my writing; I keep it very close to me. Writing is an incredibly personal activity, taking what we hold inside and exposing it to the outside world. So, I share with you my writing, and in these simple words is my soul.

Why I Write

The question of why you write is a difficult one to answer. There are the practical reasons and the personal reasons. Writing is practically constant in the world in which we live. But beyond that, why write?


My Why I Write piece explores the newar compulsion I have for writing. It is hard to describe in a short answer, but this essay illustrates the meaning of writing in my life and the constant need I have for it.

Repurposing Project

Repurpose: adapt for use in a different purpose.


For my minor in Writing, I was charged with taking a piece of writing I had written in the past and changing it, expanding it, molding it, and exploring what I could do with it to make it something new. The goal was to craft the piece for a new and specific audience.


My Repurposing Project took on very personal meaning as I constructed my plans for the assignment. 

Remediating Project

Remediate: change into a new media form.


Remediation took on a new definition for my minor in Writing. I was asked to take my Repurposing project and put it into a new form of media. The point of the project was to be exposed to less familiar forms and develop new skills in working with the media.


Photo Credit: Shyfoxling

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